Useful Websites
Here are some useful website to support your child at home with any learning they may be asked to do.
Google Classroom
This is our main learning platform and each child has their own login and password that they can use to access the work that has been set for them (please contact the school immediately if you lose this).
Purple Mash
Each child has a login (in your home learning pack) to use the Purple Mash website. This brilliant learning platform has thousands of educational activities and the teachers set '2do' tasks for children to complete. It's a good idea to regularly check this website so that you don't miss anything! We will also make links to Purple Mash within our Google Classroom.
Other useful Links
Hit the Button (Year 2-6) has quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling, halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers and is great fun!
Top Marks has lots of other maths related games to try as well:
White Rose Maths have created superb resources for home learning, including video explanations, activities and answers. Where possible we will be able to give you hard copies of the activities to do at home.
Spelling Frame (Year 1 -6) is a great website, pupils have their own log in details to enable them to practise all of the spelling patterns included in the National Curriculum through fun games and activities: Mrs Merry and Mrs Reeve set spellings for Class 2 and 3 on here weekly.
Maths frame for KS 2 (Year 3 - 6) has lots of free maths games which can be found by clicking the link below.
Please speak to your child's teacher if there is anything else we can do to help to support you with your child's learning.