School Policies
To ensure the smooth running of our school we have a number of policies that set out the rights and responsibilities of our stakeholders. Some of these policies are trust-wide although where appropriate we have local versions to reflect the context of the school. These policies are regularly reviewed to ensure they best address the needs of our young people and reflect the best approaches in education nationally and internationally.
Some of the school's policies are written and agreed by the All Saints Schools Trust, please click HERE to view the following policies:
- Accounting
- Anti-bullying
- Anti-fraud and Corruption
- Biometric Data
- Charging and Remissions
- Complaints
- Confidentiality
- Data Protection
- Disciplinary (Staff)Equality
- Financial Regulations
- Freedom of Information
- Governors Code of Conduct
- Grievance
- Health & Safety
- Investment Management
- Managing Allegations of Abuse
- Online Safety
- Procurement
- Reserves
- Risk Management
- Safeguarding Policy Inc Prevent
- Trust Safer Recruitment
- Trust Staff Code of Conduct
- Virtual Governance
- Whistle blowing
Other polices are written and agreed by our Local Governing Body, please find some of our key policies below: