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Our Vision, Aims and Values


We endeavour to enable all children to achieve their fullest potential in a supportive environment. Our children often say that “school feels like a family” – a reflection of the values of cooperation, support, acceptance and friendship that we seek to promote.


Our aim is to develop happy, young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity, respect for themselves, others and the environment. We readily work together in partnership with each other, with home and the wider community – learning and flourishing through Christian values.

This is underpinned by the biblical verse:

Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


As a Church of England school, we promote Christian values of kindness, tolerance, inclusion and support for all. Key to our educational philosophy is the triangulation between School, home and Pupil. We are particularly strong in encouraging parental involvement throughout every child’s time with us and recognise that supportive relationships between school and home make a huge difference to a child’s learning experience. 

The school is part of The All Saints Schools Trust Multi Academy Trust and you can find out about the Trust values HERE and how they link with ours. 

School Improvement Objectives for 2023/24

Please find below our core objectives for the 2023/24 academic year. The areas identified through schools self review underpin our current strategic objectives.