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The Governors are an integral part of the running of our school. They provide challenge, support, expertise, encouragement and critical friendship throughout the year.

Meetings of the whole governing body are held termly in school and various working groups and committees meet at other times. These groups are made up from different members of the whole body. The Governors are drawn from the local community, parents and other representatives. We have a Governing Body who are very involved with the school. Because of work and family commitments some have more time to spend in school than others, but they are all very committed to the continuing improvement of our village primary school. Much of the work of the Governing Body is done by committees which focus on different aspects of school business. 

At Charsfield Primary School, the following committees meet regularly:

Standards Committee

Its main purpose is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, and ensuring that the school’s curriculum is broad and balanced and meets statutory requirements. An important role of the committee is to ensure all Child Protection policies are fully understood and correctly implemented by all staff.

This committee also monitor the ethos of the school in line with its status as a church school. The committee also meets to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s pastoral work which includes areas such as attendance, behaviour, safeguarding, health, and spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) provision.

Resources Committee

This committee’s main purpose is to ensure that the school spending remains within budget and that all funds are spent wisely to best meet the needs of the pupils; whilst it typically meets every term, there are additional review meetings with the school’s local authority finance teams. Health and safety of the school site is also part of this committee’s remit.



Term starts

Term ends

Executive Head

Mark Taylor (Executive Headteacher)

Ex officio


Staff Governor

Amie Reeve (Head of School)



Parent Governor

Lucy Anstey (Chair) 24.11.21 23.11.25
Foundation Governor Rev. Gary Best (Vice Chair) 18.5.2022 18.5.2026
Foundation Governor Vacancy     
Trust Governor Jill Wright  16.03.22  15.03.26


Mark Taylor

I have been teaching for 26 years, 10 of which as a headteacher. I have taught in secondary, primary and specialist education and spent the last 9 years as headteacher of Fressingfield CofE Primary School. Before joining Fressingfield, I was the headteacher of an outstanding PRU and worked with schools across England and southern Holland. Additionally, I have undertaken a research project sponsored by the Church of England Board of Education looking into 'What can help make a Small School Both Sustainable and Effective in the Current Educational Climate'.  I believe confident and happy children make excellent learners and will achieve very well in school given the opportunity.  I currently oversee both Charsfield & Fressingfield Primary Schools as the Executive Headteacher.

On a personal note, I am a father of 3 children and enjoy the outdoors, particularly cycling and walking. Consequently, outdoor education and physical activity is something I am passionate about. 

Amie Reeve

I am the Head of School and teach Year 4, 5 and 6. I love teaching and working at Charsfield; it's such a friendly and happy school.  I am the staff representative on the governing body and part of the Curriculum Committee and Resources Committee. I am married to Ben, and we have a primary-aged son who attends the school — he loves it!  I enjoy home improvements, spending time with family and baking (when I get the time!).

Jill Wright

Jill has an extensive experience of education with 23 years as headteacher of three very different primary schools. Her work on post graduate diplomas in education at the Cambridge Institute and the UEA led to a secondment across primary schools in Suffolk developing Records of Achievement, training future senior leaders and chairing a group to produce a curriculum document for teachers in early years settings across the County.

Upon retirement her interest in school improvement continued through providing support to schools and governing bodies and as a governor at three primary schools with six years as Chair of Governors at All Saints CEVAP Laxfield. She has served as a Trustee on ASST since its inception.

Apart from educational interests Jill has a lifelong love of boating on the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads and enjoys travelling in her Motorhome.

Jill has lived in Charsfield since 1989 and is committed to ensuring that pupils at the school receive a high quality education.

Rev. Gary Best

I am the Priest-in-Charge for the Mid-Loes Benefice, which comprises 8 churches, one of which is St. Peter’s, Charsfield. I am delighted to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor to the school in May 2022.

I am very excited at the prospect of developing my role as a Governor over the coming months and years, as well as nurturing the existing relationship between the school and the church, further enhancing the ethos of the school, with kindness, tolerance, inclusion and support for all, being at the centre of the Christian values that exist.

Having moved from Bromley (South London) and now living in beautiful Suffolk, I look forward to spending a lot of time exploring the area in which I now live, as well as finding good carp fishing lakes.

Please see attachment below for Governors' Register of Pecuniary & Business Interests

All Saints Schools Trust

Charsfield Church of England Primary School converted to academy status in 2018 and is now part of the All Saints Schools Trust.  This is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (Company Number: 11216388). The registered office is as follows: All Saints Church of England Primary School, Framlingham Road, Laxfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 8HD. You can email general enquiries to admin@asst.orguk or call 01986 798344.

Details of the trust's funding agreements, articles, accounts, and other detailed governance arrangements can be found on the All Saints Schools Trust Website.