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At Charsfield we are committed to both fostering curiosity and developing skills in mathematics.

Our calculation policy has been carefully constructed based on the best practices seen around the world including places such as Singapore. We use a ‘mastery based’ approach that builds sequentially on deep understanding and develops fluency as the children move through the year groups. 

By the time they reach Upper Key Stage 2, we will be expecting the children to be using efficient methods. We also encourage children to develop a range of mental methods so they can carry out calculations in their head and thereby use mathematics in their everyday lives. Indeed, using and applying mathematics is important to us at Charsfield and we encourage children to solve problems, notice patterns and explore mathematical phenomena in the world around them.    A copy of our latest mathematics calculation policy is available below. 

Links to our Long Term Planning on White Rose Maths can be found on their website. We are currently following their new Mixed Aged schemes. For Reception please click on the relevant document below. Please click on the links for Y1 - Y6

Year 1 and 2

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Help for Parents and useful websites

White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring you a mini-series called Maths with Michael. We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and can sometimes find it difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods in maths.

Follow the link below to find out more about White Rose Maths and the way it is taught: - pupils in year 3 - 6 have a username and password for this site. We use this to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and use this to inform our teaching. - An excellent way to help your child learn their multiplication tables. In KS 2 pupils take part in a weekly Times Table Challenge. - lots of exciting and engaging maths games on here for all ages.